Emergency Report
Middle East


The situation for children...




affected by conflict


need educational assistance

What's Going On
Iraq’s four-year internal war may now have drawn to a close - but the country is still beset by violence and instability. Sporadic exchanges between the Iraqi Security Forces and armed groups affiliated with Islamic State (IS) resulted in the deaths of 797 civilians during the first nine months of 2018. A further 1,463 civilians were injured as a result of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in the same period.The years of fighting have led to a humanitarian crisis inside Iraq - one which is very far from over. Population movements resulting from forced displacement remain significant. Nearly two million Iraqis are currently internally displaced - half of them for three years or more. And four million people have also returned to their areas of origin since hostilities eased - putting further strain on available resources.Some 6.7 million people inside Iraq are currently in need of humanitarian assistance - more than half of whom are children. Poverty is widespread. The protracted conflict also resulted in massive damage to the country's water and sanitation infrastructure - and many parts of the country continue to face water shortages.
Children in Iraq grow up in a region defined by ongoing conflict
What We're Doing
We support the work of War Child UK to strengthen access to education inside Iraq. More than three million Iraqi children have seen their education disrupted - the majority of whom are displaying signs of conflict-related trauma. Attacks on schools are commonplace - the country’s internal conflict saw some 150 attacks on educational facilities.We also work to strengthen child protection structures. We work closely with families and communities, raising awareness of the particular needs and dangers for children. We reunite relatives where possible and help with income-generating activities.
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